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Review Policy and Terms

Verified Reviews

We make every effort to allow only verified reviews. When you submit a review on a product or service we will reference your phone number with the purchase history listed under your phone number. If we are unable to verify the purchase history of the product or service attached the provided phone number we may contact you via that provided phone number to attempt to verify the review.


Your privacy is important to us. Your phone number or email will not be listed with your review or available to the public. The First name and Last initial attached to the order/review will be referenced instead. (Ex. John D.) along with the City and State of the customer/reviewer. (Ex. Salt Lake City, UT). If you'd like your review to be listed as Anonymous or removed completely please contact us at anytime. Your full address will never be displayed.

Review Title

The review title should be a short explanation or catch phrase of what the review is about. If a customer has submitted a review that did not include a title a snippet will be taken from the description that best describes the review.

Review Content

HTML is not translated. URL links are not allowed. Some reviewers may have a video that they would like to include with their review. If the online form does not allow attaching a video to the review please mention in your review that you have a video and we'll see if we can help include that with your review. 


RockUtah has permission to make all images or videos that are uploaded or linked to your review public and available for others to view. The uploader or person linking images and/or videos is the original owner and is authorizing Rock Utah LLC to use the images and/or videos on the website. Rock Utah LLC will express Copyright rights as well of all uploaded images and videos listed under reviews.

Review Approvals

Submitted reviews may need to be manually approved. In most cases reviews are reviewed within 1-3 business days. If your review is not showing on our website after 5 business days please contact us. Some reviews may not be approved due to Hate Speech, Private Information, External Links, Ads (conflicts of interest), Plagiarism, Impersonation, Profanity, Harassment, Spam, Comments in regards to actual pricing paid, etc. Reviewers can adjust their reviews in order to be approved. Reviews are APPROVED regardless of actual rating given.

The policy and terms were last updated on February 1, 2024. They will be updated in the future as we try and refine the details to better help improve the customer experience and privacy.