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DIY Sand Box

Help give your children and safe fun place to let their imaginations soar. Sand boxes are an easy and fun way to encourage outdoor entertainment. 

Materials Needed 


  • Shovel & Rake
  • Measuring Tape
  • Drill
  • Skid Steer *Optional for projects requiring digout, leveling or large quantity placement.
  • Sod Cutter *Optional for easy removal of existing sod.


1 – Mark and Measure

Mark and measure the area

Find the boundaries of your soon to be sand box. Calculate the square footage of the area


2 – Level and Clear

Level and clear the area

Level the area would like to place your sand box. Make sure the area is free of debris and weeds. Compact the ground to give a sturdy base. 


3 – Order Materials

Order Materials

If you’ll be using landscape fabric to help reduce weeds be sure to order it first so it can be intalled before the sand arrives. Order the needed quantity of sand.


4 – Placement


If you are placing your sand directly on the ground make sure you lay your fabric down first to prevent weed growth. Using wheelbarrow and shovels place sand in box. Rake sand to help level out sand. 



  • How deep does the sand need to be? 6-8 inches in depth is most common.
  • Can I use Ultra Fine Beach Sand? Ultra Fine sand is a great soft sand but we recommend using our Utah’s Best Play Sand. The Ultra fine sand is very fine and powdery, this can cause it to blow easily in the wind. 

