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DIY Rock Retaining Wall

Adding a rock retaining wall to your property can add a decorative element to your home. Not only are rock walls decortive but help direct water drainage away from the home and reduce maintenance and prevent erosion. 


Materials Needed 


  • Shovel & Rake
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Measuring Tape
  • Skid Steer *Optional for projects requiring digout, leveling or large quantity placement.
  • Sod Cutter *Optional for easy removal of existing sod.


1 – Mark and Measure

Mark and measure the area

Find the boundaries of your soon to be rock wall. If needed contact local bluestakes to mark underground utilities. Calculate the square footage of the area. We recommend calculating your tonnage needed by derterming the average length, width and height of the stone in feet. Multiply the length, width and height of the wall to determine its cubic feet. Divide the total cubic feet by 15 to determine the amount of stone needed in tons. 


2 – Level and Clear

Level and clear the area

Make sure to clear all sod, weeds and debris from the area. Compact the soil to give a sturdy base. 


3 – Order Materials

Order Materials

Order the needed quantity of gravel, fill and boulders needed. 


4 – Placement


Place gravel on your prepared area making sure to rake it down into place to settle any gaps that make be present. Begin placing your first row of boulders making sure the flatest side is on top to make stacking boulders easier. Continue with your next rows of boulders sloping approximately 1/2” to 1”. After you have reached your desired height in boulders start the backfilling process. Fill the space behind the wall with gravel stopping 6-8” front the top of your wall. Cover the remaining space with soil. 


  • How deep does the gravel base need to be? Approximately 2 inches is standard.
  • What size of gravel do I need? 3/4” gravel is a propular option and used by many.
  • Can I install the rock wall by hand? Boulders are heavy. Even on the smaller sizes can weigh hundreds of pounds. We recommend having equipment present to help place boulders.